About Fukuoka Coffee Festival

Introducing high quality coffee from Fukuoka, Kyushu to the world!!!

How many people have attracted and connected today since the coffee was discovered at KAFFA, Ethiopia? A stylish city cafe, a roaster’s cafe that delivers fragrance of coffee, a stand cafe where you can stop by and a long-established coffee shops. In Fukuoka city, coffee shops and cafes that transmit diverse coffee cultures are continue to live.

Fukuoka has always believed in the possibility of a cup of coffee.
Now finally, send out Fukuoka's coffee to the world's COFFEE LOVERS by Fukuoka Coffee Festival. 

Coffee has always evolved to incorporate trends.

Selected coffee shops will convey the depth of coffee to visitors.

OLD&NEW! Annual Coffee Festival!

A lineup of coffee shops that exceed generations! Deepen interaction, learn and deepen everyday life with habits.

Visitors from Korea, China, Taiwan and Thailand are increasing.

What is the “hospitality” of a coffee shop? Please feel each coffee shop's “hospitality”.

The Power of coffee is the affinity!

At the festival, we will deepen communication and deepen learning between visitors and coffee shops.


Time & Date

13th(sun) October 2019 12:00-20:00(LastOrder 19:00)
14th(mon) October 2019 10:00-19:00(LastOrder 18:00)

Ticket Fee

ADV 1,200 yen (DOS 1,500 yen)
Ticket includes 3 cups of coffee which you can drink at the festival. 

DOS Tickets sold at the venue’s ticket office.


Tenjin Sky Hall

West Japan Newspaper Hall(西日本新聞会館) 16F,

1-4-1, Chuo-ku Tenjin, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka


Comparing coffees with the tickets.

At the Festival more than 20 coffee shops open from city and outside the city. You can experience the comparison of drinking coffee at various cafes and coffee shops.

Holding various events and workshops.

Various events and workshops will be held in during this festival.

Write about your coffee’s memories ~ about coffee and cafe ~

Write about your“memories” and “episodes” related to coffee, coffee shops, and cafes in two 400-character manuscript sheets (up to 800 Japanese characters).

※The application has been closed. Thank you for many applications.

Original various merchandises

We deal in original merchandises. T-shirts, drip bag and more at the festival.(TBA)


Comparing coffees with the tickets.

At the Festival more than 20 coffee shops open from city and outside the city. You can experience the comparison of drinking coffee at various cafes and coffee shops.

Holding various events and workshops.

Various events and workshops will be held in during this festival.
Our festival's popular events and workshops such as "Fukuoka Coffee Festival Hand Drip Championship", "Live performance by Seika Girls' High Scool brass band club", "Latte art lecture", "How to enjoy espresso" are held.
Please check the Event Timeline.

Write about your coffee’s memories ~ about coffee and cafe ~

Write about your“memories” and “episodes” related to coffee, coffee shops, and cafes in two 400-character manuscript sheets (up to 800 Japanese characters).
Akutagawa Prize Writer Tomomi Fujiwara (from Fukuoka) will selected the prize.We will exhibit and announce the prize at the venue on the day.The work selected for the Grand Prize will receive a free gift.

※The application has been closed. Thank you for many applications.

Original various merchandises

We deal in original merchandises. T-shirts, drip bag and more at the festival.(TBA)


「世代を超えたマスタートーク/森﨑祐希×平田隆文 公開対談」

[日 時] 2019年8月25日(日) 17:00~18:00(16:45開場)

[会 場]
福岡アジア美術館 アートカフェ(福岡市博多区下川端町3-1 リバレインセンタービル7階)

[出 演]
ゲスト:森﨑祐希(カフェ・オスピターレ 店主)
聞き手:平田隆文(フクオカコーヒーフェスティバル チェアマン/福岡市喫茶業組合 理事)

[内 容]

[入場料] 1000円(ドリンクチケット1枚付き)※定員30名(※予約先着順)

「世代を超えたマスタートーク/森﨑祐希×平田隆文 公開対談」

[日 時] 2019年8月25日(日) 17:00~18:00(16:45開場)

[会 場]
福岡アジア美術館 アートカフェ(福岡市博多区下川端町3-1 リバレインセンタービル7階)

[出 演]
ゲスト:森﨑祐希(カフェ・オスピターレ 店主)
聞き手:平田隆文(フクオカコーヒーフェスティバル チェアマン/福岡市喫茶業組合 理事)

[内 容]

[入場料] 1000円(ドリンクチケット1枚付き)※定員30名(※予約先着順)





Events Timeline on 10/13 (sun)

Third Annual Fukuoka Coffee Festival Hand Drip Championship 12:30 ~ 14:30

Drip championship with professionals and coffee lovers. Winners will be rewarded and presented with a luxurious prize.
[chairman] Yoshiyuki Ando from Far East Faddy Co., Ltd.
[Participation Capacity] 16 people
[Participation fee] None

Live performance by Seika Girls’ High School brass band club 15:00 ~ 15:30 at Passage Square

Live performance by a brass band representing Japan, Seika Girls' High School brass band club with a music related to the coffee.

Coffee Essay Award Ceremony 16:00 ~ 16:30

2nd, 3rd, 4th Annual joint award ceremony
[Selector] Akutagawa Prize Writer Tomomi Fujiwara

The report from the land of smile Thailand about coffee of smile 16:40 ~ 17:15

SCATH Specialty Coffee Association of Thailand

What is the taste of coffee? Taste cup of Non-Oxidized coffee roasted by hydrogen 17:00 ~ 18:00 at 3rd Venue

[Lecturer] Yukio Hirose(Professor Emeritus of Kanazawa University, President of Japan Coffee Society)
[Participation capacity] 30 people
[Participation fee] 500 yen(with coffee tasting ticket)

EVENT 10/13 sun

Third Annual Fukuoka Coffee Festival Hand Drip Championship 12:30 ~ 14:30

Drip championship with professionals and coffee lovers. Winners will be rewarded and presented with a luxurious prize.
[chairman] Yoshiyuki Ando from Far East Faddy Co., Ltd.
[Participation Capacity] 16 people
[Participation fee] None

Live perfomance by Seika Girls’ High Scool brass band club 15:00 ~ 15:30 at Passage Squre

Live performance by a brass band representing Japan, Seika Girls' High School brass band club with a music related to the coffee.

Coffee Essay Award Ceremony 16:00 ~ 16:30

2nd, 3rd, 4th Annual joint award ceremony
[Selector] Akutagawa Prize Writer Tomomi Fujiwara

The report from the land of smile Thailand about coffee of smile 16:40 ~ 17:15

SCATH Specialty Coffee Association of Thailand

What is the taste of coffee? Taste cup of Non-Oxidized coffee roasted by hydrogen 17:00 ~ 18:00 at 3rd Venue

[Lecturer] Yukio Hirose(Professor Emeritus of Kanazawa University, President of Japan Coffee Society)
[Participation capacity] 30 people
[Participation fee] 500 yen(with coffee tasting ticket)

Events Timeline on 10/14 (mon)

Latte art lecture 10:30~12:00

[Lecturer]Takahiro Ando(2nd Prize Winner of World Latte Art Championship, from Connect Coffee)
[Participation capacity] 7 people
[Participation fee] 2,500yen

How to brew coffee happily 13:30~14:30

[Lecturer] Yohei Kubota(1st Prize Winner of Japan Hand drip championship, from Okada Coffee)
[Participation capacity] 6 people
[Participation fee] 2,000 yen

About green initiative details of converting coffee bean wastes to organic fertilizer 15:00~16:00 at 3rd Venue

[Lecturer] Toshikazu Muromoto from Standart Japan
[Guest] Masamori Fukuda and Gota Sugiura from Manu Coffee
[Participation capacity] 30 people
[Participation fee] Free

How to enjoy espresso 16:00~17:00(TBD)

[Lecturer] Yuki Morisaki from CAFE OSPITALE
[Participation capacity] 6 people
[Participation fee] 2,000 yen

What is the taste of coffee? Taste cup of Non-Oxidized coffee roasted by hydrogen 17:00 ~ 18:00 at 3rd Venue

[Lecturer] Yukio Hirose(Professor Emeritus of Kanazawa University, President of Japan Coffee Society)
[Participation capacity] 30 people
[Participation fee] 500 yen(with coffee tasting ticket)

Events Timeline on 10/14 (mon)

Latte art lecture 10:30~12:00

[Lecturer]Takahiro Ando(2nd Prize Winner of World Latte Art Championship, from Connect Coffee)
[Participation capacity] 7 people
[Participation fee] 2,500yen

How to brew coffee happily 13:30~14:30

[Lecturer] Yohei Kubota(1st Prize Winner of Japan Hand drip championship, from Okada Coffee)
[Participation capacity] 6 people
[Participation fee] 2,000 yen

About green initiative details of converting coffee bean wastes to organic fertilizer 15:00~16:00 at 3rd Venue

[Lecturer] Toshikazu Muromoto from Standart Japan
[Guest] Masamori Fukuda and Gota Sugiura from Manu Coffee
[Participation capacity] 30 people
[Participation fee] Free

How to enjoy espresso 16:00~17:00(TBD)

[Lecturer] Yuki Morisaki from CAFE OSPITALE
[Participation capacity] 6 people
[Participation fee] 2,000 yen

What is the taste of coffee? Taste cup of Non-Oxidized coffee roasted by hydrogen 17:00 ~ 18:00 at 3rd Venue

[Lecturer] Yukio Hirose(Professor Emeritus of Kanazawa University, President of Japan Coffee Society)
[Participation capacity] 30 people
[Participation fee] 500 yen(with coffee tasting ticket)


Fukuoka Coffee Festival Executive Committee


2019 © Fukuoka Coffee Festival. All Rights Reserved.